Be the One who does. Ignore status-quo…
Apple Steve Jobs The Crazy Ones
I sometimes look back on these YouTube videos.
Because I want to be like one of those crazy ones, but I forget about it sometimes.
I think it’s always good for me to remember/recall how those people define about themselves
or think about the the world future.
(by the way it’s funny seriously,
when I want to type a word “world” by my dictation Application on my computer,
it always types like “wall”. Is it the kind of joke or what? lol.)
As I told you in this blog before,
now I’m trying to establish my new system for my business.
I’m trying to place a new office on my neighborhood,
it is for making a new kinda program of healing toward people in the world,
all over the world, by online system.
By the way,
talking about that first video of this page,
a part what I really like most is
these crazy ones ignore status-quo.
Why Apple Only Makes One iPhone?
As you know iPod have full line up products but iphone.
when they produce iPhone, there are many elements they have to focus on and wave or rap them up to one best-product .
And which is different from iPod.
So let me summarize this video.
When you make a product or service, Which has many elements that you have to care about,
you better focus on one best figure, I mean one product.
and I’ll make it, that is all I have to know first.
Masa : D